Land Management
Taking care of prairies has long been an important—and fun—part of prairie protection for Grassland Heritage Foundation. GHF volunteers, called "Groundhogs," assist with land management at the Snyder Prairie near Mayetta, Kansas. GHF staff, board members and in-kind partners provide expertise in land management planning & techniques, exotic species control, and prairie restoration.
GHF Preserve Manager, Nicole Stanton-Wilson, leads Groundhogs work days on the second Saturday of a few months a year. Nicole organizes prairie management activities for all levels of skill and ability, such as seed collection, musk thistle removal, and assistance with prescribed burns. Nicole also works with the GHF Board to establish multi-year management plans, and to track our progress toward meeting prairie management and restoration goals.
Become a GHF Volunteer if you would like to participate in prairie management activities. Our prescribed burns are primarily scheduled in the late fall - early winter months. If you are interested in volunteering for prescribed burns this winter, please sign-up using this form.